F. Murphy, Editor.
The Watts Family
The thirty-sixth annual reunion of the Watts family and a Masonic celebration began in Muldrow Tuesday and lasted through Wednesday. For years the Watts family were claimants to citizenship in the Cherokee Nation and a legal fight between them and the Cherokee was waged for years, until finally the Dawes Commission appeared upon the scene and settled the matter, and all the Watts family were rejected.
They were intruders upon the lands of the Cherokee and made permanent and valuable improvements with out any legal right. They were finally divested of all the Indian land they held and they now reside in the Indian Territory as other United States citizens, but do not own land as Indians. They at one time had charge of more than $1,000,000 worth of Indian lands. (emphasis added) The head of the family is W. J. Watts, who was known to the Cherokee as the "King of the Intruders", and he has cost the Cherokee Nation more than any other living man. Many years ago these reunions were held for mutual advice, but since they have been divested of landed rights these meetings are kept up for the social features.
Those are my thoughts for today.
Thanks for reading.

copyright 2012, Polly's Granddaughter - TCB
This exemplifies the immutable value of primary documents. It is incredible, if not ludicrous, that a so-called advanced society turns its back on such documents, instead relishing unsubstantiated "feel good" testimonials.