Monday, December 10, 2012

Mhoon Descendants - Take Note

I received a message and some information from a reader and think it would be unfair to the Mhoon descendants not to share it. 

"Hey Twila. Well, I got to admit that I’ve been captivated by what you've posted on your blog the last few days. I've looked up some of the names and was dumbfounded and nauseated, too, how many people have forced fit your ancestor onto their family tree. Kind of like a toddler trying to force a piece of a puzzle in the wrong spot, but insisting it fits!"

"I have found some documents that I think will help you show that it’s probably Susannah Hughs who is their ancestor, not Sallie Hughes."

"Here is what I have found:

In 1793, Joel Mohun/Mhoon was named as being the orphan of Hezekiah Mohun/Mhoon of Bertie County in Hezekiah’s estate papers. Joel was bound to William Gray who was the bondsman when he married Mary Ashburn in Bertie County on September 8th, 1800.

In Feb 1809, he posted a bastardly bond in Bertie County for Susanah Hughs and the bond states “Joel Mohon hath Begotten a Bastard Child on the Body of Susanah-Hughs”. On May 1811, he posted another bastardly bond for Susannah Hughs. One of the children is believed to be Stark Mhoon.

Bertie County Susanah Hughs is not Sallie Hughes and never was.

Joel died on or about 1833 in Bertie Co., according to his own estate papers, and a John Moore was appointed guardian of his orphans Mary Ann Medicus and Thomas Mhoon."

"Now, if I could find this out in a few hours, so could those relatives that were posting all over the net for a decade thinking they were Cherokee royalty. What’s especially irritating is that there was a Tuscarora reservation smack dab in the county were the Mhoons and Mullen’s lived and yet, they still manage to make their relative Cherokee! If you’ve ever been to NC, you see how geographically stupid that is.

Also, Mathernia Mullen was no full-blooded Cherokee. Both her parents came from land rich people in Bertie that migrated down from Virginia, where most of the landowners from that time period came from. I found her father mentioned in his father, Abraham Mullen, estate papers. This family migrated from Colonial Virginia.

I’m attaching the bastardly bond for Joel Mhoon/Mohun and Susannah Hughs and estate papers showing that Joel was deceased by 1833. I found a partial transcription and transcribed the rest. Hope this helps."

"Transcription of bastard bond of Joel Mhoon/Mohun for Susannah Hughs. I can't make out the last line, I tried enhancing the picture and still couldn't read it:"

State of N Carolina
Bertie County
Know all men by these Presents that we, Joel Mhoon, John Webb, and Thomas Worley -- are held of firmly bound unto the Justices of the County of ... in the ... of full sum of one hundred Pounds Currency to be paid to the said Justices their lac upon or against for/to the Payment of which are of truly to be made we bind ourselves of each of us one of each of our Heir Executors Administrators of ... ... of severatty firmly by the Presents. Sealed with our Seals and dated this 17th day of February 1809.

The condition of the above obligation is such that when as the above bounden Joel Mohon hath Begotten a Bastard Child on the Body of Susanah-Hughs now if the said Joel Mohon shall well and truly keep harmless then parish of society fears (?) all the Charges of Trouble that shall accrue from the maintenance of said child then their obligations to be void likewise to remain ??? "unable to transcribe the rest".

Joel Mhoon Seal
Thomas Worley Seal
John Webb Seal

Jos. Blount

Are any of us, at this point, going to say this is, without a doubt, the line of Stark Mhoon? No, but we will say that there are some good hints here that suggest further research in a direction that does not suggest Cherokee ancestry. On initial evaluation, this seems to be some information that would fit with the history of Stark Mhoon's ancestry, while the claim to Sally Hughes, Cherokee, does not.

Stay tuned! More coming on this saga of the mistaken identity of Cherokee Sally Hughes and the quest for truth! 

Those are my thoughts for today.
Thanks for reading.

*Note - I did not use the name of the reader because I do not have permission to do so. If and when this reader/quality researcher decides to give permission to credit her with the information, I will do so. But I do want to send a big thank you out to her! 

copyright 2012, Polly's Granddaughter - TCB


  1. THIS is the first I've seen anything like this! My cousin did a HUGE family tree for us and I'm a descendent of Stark Mhoon and it's been determined we are descendents of Sallie Hughes. She traveled all over for her information. I am so confused!

    1. I'm sorry, but the Mhoon family does not descend from the Cherokee Sallie Hughes.


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