Kitty Sutton is the author of a series of books she calls "Mysteries from the Trail of Tears." She claims she has uncovered a hidden history of the Cherokee Nation after the Trail of Tears. She also claims she and her family are Cherokee.
From Amazon -
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From her Facebook Fan Page -
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From Twitter -
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From LinkedIn -
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From Interviews -
When asked why she writes historical fiction -
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When asked why she writes about the time period -
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Despite her claims, Sutton is not Cherokee. She's not registered with any of the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes and she has nothing in her genealogy that suggests she has Cherokee, Osage, or any other American Indian ancestors. Another researcher and I traced Sutton's genealogy and researched every line back to, at least, the time of the Trail of Tears. The family was never living among the Cherokees (or any other tribe) and they were always found listed as white citizens of the United States.
If I was inclined to do so, I could write as many posts about Sutton's ancestors as I did about US Senator Elizabeth Warren's family. That is not necessary (yet) because Sutton bases her entire claim (for now) on one ancestor, her paternal grandmother, Anna Miller.
March 16, 2013, Sutton made this post on a genealogy message board asking for leads on her grandmother who she "knew" was Native American.
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Charlie Miller and Nancy Adaline Duncan were married August 4, 1885, in Benton County, Missouri.
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Anna Miller was found on the following US Censuses:
- 1900 as Mary A. Miller; 14 years old; born Feb 1886 in Missouri; daughter of Charles Miller, a widower; living in Adair, Camden County, Missouri. Race - white.
- 1910 as Anna Kelly; 23 years old; born about 1887 in Missouri; wife of Mell Kelly; living in Lincoln, Pratt County, Kansas. Race - white.
- 1920 as Anna Kelley; 35 years old; born about 1885 in Missouri; wife of Mall Kelley; living in Parsons Ward 4, Labette County, Kansas. Race - white.
- 1930 as Anna Kelley; 43 years old; born about 1887 in Missouri; widowed*; living in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. Race - white. (*Mall Kelley was not dead. Either there was a divorce or he abandoned the family between 1920-1930 because he was alive in Texas after 1930.)
Additional information on Anna Miller (who started using the name Bonnie later in life) is found on her death certificate. The informant was Anna's daughter, Verba Kelley. Verba said her mother was white; born February 6, 1886 in Warsaw, Missouri (which is in Benton County); and the daughter of Charlie Miller and Nancy Adaline Duncan.
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While this may appear to be just another case of wannabeism gone bad, it's more than that. According to Sutton's website, the National Park Service has accepted Sutton's books for their catalog which allows any National Park Gift Shop to order them and sell them. Sutton advertises this as proof that she's discovered an accurate history that has never been revealed until now. To those of us who study the behavior of fake Cherokees, the claim of "hidden history" always sends up a red flag. We know that eventually those fake Cherokees will try to use the idea of undiscovered facts in an effort to authenticate their family as Cherokee. Sutton appears to be doing this in her fourth book. She claims the story line has a strong connection to her family because her grandma was adopted "out" to a white family in Missouri. As bad as that is, it is not the worst of it.
Sutton now promotes herself as a Cherokee historian, of sorts, who has done extensive research on Cherokee history. She travels throughout the Ozarks (southern Missouri and northern Arkansas) to Cherokee historical sites giving presentations on the Trail of Tears because she believes our history has been recorded incorrectly.
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At this point in time, we should consider Sutton's claim of Cherokee (or any other tribe) debunked. Should she "line jump", which is common in false claims, I'll address that when it occurs. As previously stated, her ancestry has been traced in every line dating back to the time of the Trail of Tears. Nothing indicates Indian ancestry. If Sutton respects the Cherokee people, she'll stop claiming to be one of us. If she doesn't, she'll cling to her story as if her life depended on it, continuing to exploit our ancestors for her own personal gain. Only time will tell which direction she'll go.
Those are my thoughts for today.
Thanks for reading.
*Line jumping is when a fake Cherokee has their false claim debunked in one line of descent so they "jump" to another line in their family and then claim that one is "Cherokee".
*Census records were found on
*Click on images to enlarge them
copyright 2016, Polly's Granddaughter - TCB