For more information, click on the following link - "Bringing Lakota Children Home"
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Those are my thoughts for today.
Thanks for reading.

copyright 2014, Polly's Granddaughter - TCB
"Very few people know that American Indians in the United States have a status that marks us as distinct from minority or underrepresented populations (such as African Americans). That status is that we are sovereign tribal nations."To expand on that, from the Bureau of Indian Affairs FAQ page,
"What is the relationship between the tribes and the United States?and
The relationship between federally recognized tribes and the United States is one between sovereigns, i.e., between a government and a government. This “government-to-government” principle, which is grounded in the United States Constitution, has helped to shape the long history of relations between the federal government and these tribal nations."
"Who is an American Indian or Alaska Native?Notice the BIA clearly states rights and protections to American Indians do not come from a person's identity as an Indian in an ethnological sense, but because he or she is a member of a federally recognized tribe.
The rights, protections, and services provided by the United States to individual American Indians and Alaska Natives flow not from a person's identity as such in an ethnological sense, but because he or she is a member of a federally recognized tribe. That is, a tribe that has a government-to-government relationship and a special trust relationship with the United States. These special trust and government-to-government relationships entail certain legally enforceable obligations and responsibilities on the part of the United States to persons who are enrolled members of such tribes."
"a science that deals with the division of human beings into races and their origin, distribution, relations, and characteristics".