Showing posts with label Matrilineal Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matrilineal Monday. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2011

Matrilineal Monday - Nancy Fisher

Though she died 10 years before I was born, I have heard about my great grandma, Nancy Fisher, all my life. I was always told to remember her name because she was on the Dawes Roll and we always needed to know that. I started hearing that at such a young age, I didn't even know what the Dawes Roll was. I just knew it was something important.

Nancy was born in Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, May, 2, 1900, the daughter of Johnson Fisher and Darkie Tadpole.

She was the granddaughter of Johnson Fisher (Sr) and Sarah Woodward; and Dave Tadpole and Polly Vann.

She was the great granddaughter of Fisher Hatchet, Redbird Woodward, Peggy Dennis, Dave Tadpole (Sr), Lizzie Downing, Ave Vann and Besty Scott.

She was the great great granddaughter of Thomas Woodward and his wife, Quaty; Peter Dennis and his wife, Arly; Tadpole and Sallie Downing; Moses Downing; Clauseen Vann and Dick Scott.

Every ancestor listed above for her was Cherokee. Every single one.

Today, I know why the Dawes Roll is important. Do you think you know why? My answer might surprise you. Though important because it connects us to the historical Cherokee Nation, in my opinion, the Dawes Roll is priceless because it connects us to our family.

Those are my thoughts for today.
Thanks for reading.

The Granddaughter

copyright 2011, Polly's Granddaughter - TCB