Friday, September 10, 2021

Genealogical Research and Common Sense

Not too long ago, while doing a bit of research, I ran across an interesting "person" on Find A Grave. A  Cherokee man was listed as "Devereaux Jarrett Chicken Trotter Bell." Hmmm...what a name, huh?

It caught my attention because, though I've been neglecting my blog, I've been giving a lot of attention to my research...for a book...about a Cherokee man named Devereaux Jarrett Bell.

I don't have time to share all my research here and there is not nearly enough room to do so, but because that name above is such a glaring mistake and so simple to debunk, I thought I'd use it as an example of the fact that all the documents and records in the world won't help our genealogical research if we don't use common sense.

The Cherokee man named Devereaux Jarrett Bell was called Jarrett/Jarratt by his family and close friends. Legally and professionally, he was known as D.J. Bell. He was from the affluent Cherokee Bell family and a brother to the Treaty of New Echota signer, John A. Bell. He was fairly well educated and a student at the Choctaw Academy in 1834 when he was 18 years old. On the transcription below, his name was recorded as "Jarratt Bee?" He was described as having a "Good mind."

Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. 9, No.4

After leaving school, Jarrett worked as an interpreter for US agents in the Cherokee Nation. In 1838, he  removed from the east in the detachment led by his brother, John A. Bell, also known as the Treaty Party detachment.

1842 was a big year for him. Not only did he sign as the witness for the claims filed by his father and brother David against the United States for losses of property in the east,

1842 Flint District Book 2 #128 David Bell

he was a secretary/clerk for the Cherokee National Committee.

Letter from Joseph Vann to John Ross - Gilcrease Museum

He was also a claims agent in Flint District, writing the claims for Cherokees to file against the United States for their lost property.

1842 Flint District Book 2 #27 Ellis Hogner

Here's where it gets interesting. According to the Find A Grave biography on the "Devereaux Jarrett Chicken Trotter Bell" page, Devereaux Jarrett Bell was also known as Chicken Trotter and a signer of the Treaty of Bird's Fort with the Republic of Texas in 1843. Common sense tells us that's not true. While Jarrett could read and write English very well, the man named Chicken Trotter who signed the Treaty of Bird's Fort could not.

The man named Chicken Trotter who signed the Treaty of Bird's Fort in 1843 signed the treaty with a mark. That means he could not write his name.

Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Common sense tells us that the man who, in 1842, repeatedly wrote important letters and documents in English is not the same man who, a year later in 1843, could only sign a treaty with a mark.

That Find A Grave entry has combined two real Cherokee men, Devereaux Jarrett Bell and Chicken Trotter, into one mythological Cherokee folk hero. It's an unfortunate mistake that could have been avoided if someone would have done a bit of research and used common sense. One man could read and write in English. The other could not. They are not the same man. It's that simple.

Those are my thoughts for today.

Thanks for reading,

Polly's Granddaughter


Friday, September 3, 2021

First Annual Cherokee Nation Holiday Program - 1953

Note: I haven't written in this blog for a while. I'm sorry for that. The pandemic has taken it's toll on everyone, me included. It's been a difficult year and a half. Not only has life changed, there has been a devastating loss of life, including some of my friends and family. Hopefully we will eventually be able to move past Covid-19 and life will begin to look a little more like we are used to. Until then, I'll post when I can.

Because we are currently celebrating the Cherokee National Holiday, I thought I'd share the program from the First Annual Cherokee National Holiday in 1953. (Click on the photos to enlarge.)


I hope you enjoyed it!

Those are my thoughts for today,

The Granddaughter

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The living relatives of “Gardner Green”

The non-profit groups in Missouri known as the Northern Cherokee Nation of the Old Louisiana Territory and the Northern Cherokee Nation both claim descent from a Cherokee man who was listed as “Gardner Green” on the 1835 Census of the Cherokee Nation. That claim was debunked earlier in this series in a post titled “Young Wolf, son of The Mouse.”

Since publishing that post, many have wondered about the actual Cherokee family of Young Wolf, aka Gardiner Green. At this time, though no living direct descendants have been identified, many living nieces and nephews of varying degrees have been found.

Young Wolf had at least seven siblings through his father, The Mouse. One of those siblings was named Ool-stoo or Leaves on a Tree. There is an abundance of information that supports the conclusion that The Mouse was the father of both Young Wolf and Ool-stoo. Most of that documentation will be shared later in the biographies of The Mouse and Ool-stoo.

Ool-stoo’s daughter, Peggie Redbird, recorded her father’s name in her Eastern Cherokee application.

Peggie Redbird, Eastern Cherokee Application #4605,
She also said her paternal grandfather was Rat. (The same word can be used to describe both mouse and rat in Cherokee.)

Peggie Redbird, Eastern Cherokee Application #4605,
Peggie had several siblings, including a sister named Too-nah-ye and a brother named Stephen, both dead.

Peggie Redbird, Eastern Cherokee Application #4605,
Because Too-nah-ye died in 1904, she did not live long enough to file an Eastern Cherokee application but her daughter did.

John and Jennie Cornsilk
Jennie Cornsilk nee Walker listed her mother as Too-nah-ye Ool-stoo but did not state the name of her maternal grandfather on her first application.

Jennie Cornsilk, Eastern Cherokee Application #2271,
She did list both Peggie Redbird, living, and Steve Ool-stoo, dead, as her aunt and uncle though.

Jennie Cornsilk, Eastern Cherokee Application #2271,
Later, Jennie filed another application. Though difficult to read, she listed her maternal grandfather as Oo-loo-stoo.

Jennie Cornsilk, Eastern Cherokee Application #12540,
At the time of the Eastern Cherokee applications, Jennie Cornsilk nee Walker was the widow of a man named John Cornsilk. Their son, William Cornsilk, filed his own Eastern Cherokee application. He listed his mother as Jennie Cornsilk, and grandmother as Too-nah-ye. While this information seems redundant, it’s important because it links the generations together.

William Cornsilk, Eastern Cherokee Application #12543,
One of the relatives William claimed through was his great grandfather on his mother’s side, Oo-loo-stoo.

William Cornsilk, Eastern Cherokee Application #12543,
William also listed his wife as “Kattie Cornsilk”, 30 years old.

William Cornsilk, Eastern Cherokee Application #12543,
In 1910, William and Katie Cornsilk were living in Stillwell, Adair County, Oklahoma. William was 25 and Katie was 33. It was his first marriage and her second. They had two children together at that time, a son named Jesse and a daughter named Cora.
In 1920, William and Katie were still living in Stillwell, Adair County, Oklahoma. They had two sons, Jesse and Henry, and three daughters, Cora, Ruth, and Kate, at that time.
In 1930, William and Katie were living in Baron, Adair County, Oklahoma. They had an additional child born to them since the previous census. That child was a little girl named Josephine.
Josephine Cornsilk grew up and first married Millard Tidwell. Later she married Ray Moreland. She was the mother of twelve children.

Josephine and family
She is the grandmother of Jeannie Tidwell who represents the Cooweescoowee District as one of nine United Keetoowah Band District Councilors.

Jeannie Tidwell
Josephine is also the grandmother of my dear friends, Jo Ann Tidwell and Sandee Tidwell Lovato, as well as many others.

Jo Ann Tidwell
Additionally, Josephine’s brother, Jesse Cornsilk, is the grandfather of David Cornsilk who is well known for his activism against fraudulent Cherokees and tribes.

William & Sandee Tidwell, descendants of The Mouse
This means The Mouse is the 5th great grandfather of Jeannie, Jo Ann, and Sandee Tidwell and David Cornsilk. Young Wolf, the son of Mouse, also known as “Gardner Green”, is their 5th great-uncle. 

To be clear, Jeannie, Jo Ann, Sandee, and David are four of the legitimate living nieces and nephews of the Cherokee man (re)named Gardner Green who was listed on the 1835 Census of the Cherokee Nation. 

Those are my thoughts for today.

Polly's Granddaughter

copyright 2019, Polly's Granddaughter - TCB

A special 'Thank You' to Jo Ann Tidwell for sharing family pictures and allowing them to be used in this post.

**Other living nieces and nephews of Young Wolf, aka Gardiner Green, descend from Cherokee families with the surnames Rat, Rider, Swimmer, Tincup, Hogner, Wolfe, Spade, Manus, Scraper, and many more. Those lineages from The Mouse will be explored later in this blog.**